Design a Web Map

Learn how to create a free, interactive web map using the open-source mapping software, QGIS. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Design a map in QGIS
  • Use the qgis2web plugin to generate the web map files
  • Deposit the files in a GitHub repo
  • Publish the web map to a live URL

This workshop is geared toward folks with a basic understanding of GIS concepts. If you need help getting started with QGIS, check out the Learn the Basics of QGIS tutorial first. Previous experience with GitHub or with the HTML, JavaScript, or CSS languages is helpful, but not necessary.

Watch the workshop

Click the link below to watch a recording of this workshop on YouTube:

Full workshop - March 23, 2022

Workshop outline

This workshop is designed to take about two hours as a live demonstration.

Time Topic
0:00 Introduction
0:10 Setting up the map in QGIS
0:40 Using the qgis2web plugin
1:00 Break
1:10 Publishing the map in GitHub
1:30 Q&A and do-it-yourself exercise
1:55 Wrap-up

If you are working through the materials on your own time, it may take a bit longer!

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