Design a Static Map

Learn how to create a visually appealing map that you can print out or export using the free and open-source mapping software, QGIS. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Use the QGIS Print Layout tool to design a map
  • Apply cartographic best practices to make the map accessible, reproducible, and easy to read
  • Export the map as an image file or PDF

This workshop is geared toward folks with a basic understanding of GIS concepts. If you need help getting started with QGIS, check out the Learn the Basics of QGIS tutorial first.

Watch the workshop

Click the link below to watch a recording of this workshop on YouTube:

Full workshop - March 21, 2023

Workshop outline

This workshop is designed to just over an hour as a live demonstration.

Time Topic
0:00 Introduction
0:05 Best practices in map design
0:15 Assessing example maps
0:25 Using the QGIS Print Layout
1:05 Q&A

If you are working through the materials on your own time, it may take a bit longer!

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